BGC members are sharing what is brightening up their homes during the dark days of winter. Our photo contest on the topic “What’s Growing on My Windowsill” (and other indoor plants) had an enthusiastic response! The winning photo was submitted by Wendy Grier of her beautiful Calamondin Dwarf Orange tree (photo #40) with second place going to Cindy Mariano’s spring-evoking Hyacinths (photo #2). Third place was a tie between Clara Notartomaso’s Moon Cactus (photo #14) and Suzanne Day’s Christmas Amaryllis (photo #20). Thank you to all participants!
- Carole Bowen-Kaszel – This Amaryllis had another identical flower stalk but the plant was so top-heavy, it fell over and broke. I cut it and put the other flower spray in water.
2. Cindy Mariano – Hyacinths from my son’s windowsill.
Contest Winner #2
3. Dinii Nymark – Amaryllis
4. Edith Boos – Anthurium sitting in the kitchen – is there a better plant for Valentine’s Day, lol?
5. Edith Boos – This Elephant Foot (also known as a Ponytail Palm I found out) is very content in the corner of my living room.
6 & 7. Gloria Timmons – Amaryllis nestled in a 40 year old schefflera and a Mandevilla, Rio Dipladenia.
8 & 9. Gloria Timmons – Purple Oxalis, repotted from summer plantings and waiting to go outside again in May.
10. Nadine Myers – I received a gift called Aero Garden, which is a 6 pod unit that runs on a timer with water only. I have 4 herbs (basil, mint, dill, parsley) and 2 tomato plants. The guys in front are my sun-worshipping succulents.
11. Nadine Myers – Clivia with Oxalis, Orchids, Christmas Cactus, Tradescantia (I think).
12. Carolyn Tidwell – The largest of these is a split leaf Philodendron or Monstera. To the right is a Calathea Musaica “Network “. To the left is a heart leaf Philodendron.
13. Carolyn Tidwell – The pattern on the leaf of the Calathea is very unique.
14. Clara Notartomaso – Moon Cactus
Tie – Contest Winner #3
15. & 16. Clara Notartomaso – My cactus and succulent collection
17. 18. & .19 Sophia Xue – I have had these orchids for years. Orchids are my favourite flowers. They are simply magical!
20. Suzanne Day – Christmas Amaryllis with each of their second stalks in bloom. With the bulb dipped in wax, there is no need for watering.
Tie – Contest Winner #3

21. Suzanne Day – An old beat-up orchid still provides a treat for sore eyes.
22. Suzanne Day – Seedlings of Asian Pear, saved from a fall purchase and left in the fridge for 7 weeks, look for the brighter January sun.
23. & 24. Jeanne Adam – Christmas Cactus
25. Katherine Crewe – This 5 year old poinsettia has never “bloomed” until this winter. I put it outside in the summer from year to year and it is getting more straggly.
26. Wanda Mitkiewicz – Begonia “Cleopatra”

32. Riza Esmeralda – Sharing another amaryllis.
33. & 34. Riza Esmeralda – This tropical plant’s maroon foliage contrast the brightness of snow outside the window. I matched and cut its more mature leaves to depth and color of the arrangement of cut white lilies and yellow gladiolas and and pine branches.
35. Riza Esmeralda – Tropical plant with lovely maroon and pink foliage
36. & 37. Jane Crane – Ferns that are many years old that go outside for the summer
38. Jane Crane – A young Bougenvillia
39. Jane Crane – Winter home for plants
40. Wendy Grier – Calamondin, dwarf orange. I’ve had it for over 40 years. It spends the summers outside and fruits every winter. The fruit is edible but very sour.
Contest Winner #1
41. Joan King – Last fall’s dried flowers from my hydrangea limelight.
42. Joan King – This silver Satin Pothos graces the bench in my yoga nook, where I can sit & admire its graceful leaves.
43. Joan King – This Is a 30-year-old wax plant or Hoya Carnosa. Despite being root-bound, in a copper pot with no drainage & close to a steaming kettle, this plant blooms occasionally, just not today!