Member Favourites – Christmas Wish List

There may be snow on the ground but Christmas is a perfect time to ask for a gift that the gardener in you would appreciate.  Here are a few gardening-related gifts that our Exec would be happy to see under the tree!

Clara Notartomaso, Exec Coordinator of Membership, would love to get a subscription for a good gardening magazine such as “Fine Gardening.”  Fine Gardening is oriented to North American gardens and abounds with incredible garden photos and inspiring design ideas





Nadine Myers, Exec Coordinator of Publicity, would be thrilled with a Lyman Whitaker wind sculpture under the tree.  “It’s pricey but its art  ..  and they even look nice in the snow”.  What better time than Christmas to ask for something special?







Gloria Timmons, Club Secretary, has eyed a gardening apron as a practical gardening gift that she would like. “Secators in my jean or jogging pants pockets are getting a little dangerous!”  Useful for just about any gardener.







 Edith Boos, Exec Coordinator of our Web-site, would be happy to add a good soil sieve to her gardening toolset.  “This is a tool I haven’t picked up yet and I know it would save me time in the garden when cleaning up soil.”  A handy tool for removing twigs, stones, and other debris from earth or compost.