Membership Benefits
- Benefit from expert advice from other experienced members, including mentoring on request
- Attend eight or more meetings given by experts without paying guest fees
- Get members-only access to recorded BGC presentations
- Enjoy activities organized by the club
- Get discounts from our sponsors (local nurseries) – See Nursery Discounts for details
- Meet other gardeners in your neighborhood
- Exchange information and experiences with fellow gardeners
- Volunteer for the club and get active
Membership Fees
Fees cover BOTH member and spouse.
- Full year: February-December $25
- Part year: September-December $15, October-December $10, November-December $5
Guest Fees
Per Meeting $5
- For in-person sessions: Pay the fee on entry to the session
- For Zoom sessions: E-transfer the fee to Include your email id. in the e-transfer message. Allow a minimum of 2 days prior to the event.
Becoming a Member
We are always happy to see new members join the club. Our core membership is from Beaconsfield but we welcome members from ALL communities.
- New members can simply sign up on entry at any regular session. You will be requested to fill out a membership form and pay the membership fee, and are then given a BGC club card.
- If at any time you have would like to sign up as a member or have any questions on membership, please email