Article 1 – Name
The name of the club shall be Beaconsfield Garden Club.
Article 2 – Object
The objective of the club is to promote interest and knowledge in gardening amongst members through different organized activities.
Article 3 – Membership
Anyone interested in gardening shall be eligible for membership. However on a yearly basis 75% of membership need to be residents of Beaconsfield/Baie d’Urfé Borough in order to ensure the club benefits from free use of Municipal facilities.
Article 4 – Membership Fees
Membership fees for each year shall be established by a majority of members of the Executive Committee and passed by a majority vote of those present at the Annual General Meeting.
Membership is contingent to annual payment by December 31st. If the membership fee remains unpaid beyond March 31st, the member shall be dropped from the roster. Members that haven’t paid their fees shall be charged a fee (same as guests) at entrance at monthly meetings until payment is received. As of July 1st of each year, new members will pay half of the regular annual fee.
Guests at monthly meetings will be charged a fee at entrance. This fee will be established yearly by a majority of members of the Executive Committee.
Article 5 – Membership Rights
Membership in the club shall entitle the individual to a copy of the By-Laws, a membership card, a list of the current Executive Committee, to a copy of Newsletter(s), sponsor discounts and the right to vote at any Annual or General Meeting.
Article 6 – Fiscal Year
The club’s fiscal year shall be from January 1st to December 31st each year.
Article 7 – The Club Year
The club’s operational year shall consist of monthly activities for the members held on the second Wednesday of each month from January to December excluding July and August. Other activities may be arranged and promoted via the club’s Newsletter.
Article 8 – Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held the second Wednesday of January each year to receive reports of the President, Vice-President, Directors and to consider and approve financial statements submitted by the Treasurer, to elect club officers and directors for the ensuing term and to deal with any other matters that may properly come before the meeting. The telephone committee will advise all members of time and place of meeting.
Article 9 – Special General Meetings
At any time, a Special General Meeting may be called by the President or by written request of at least 15% of current membership in good standing. The members will be informed of the purpose of such Special General Meeting by the telephone committee at least ten (10) days prior to meeting. No business shall be conducted at the Special General Meeting other than that for which the meeting has been called.
Article 10 – Quorum at Meetings
Quorum at Annual General Meetings shall be 25% of current membership in good standing and at Special General Meetings, 25% of current membership in good standing.
Article 11 – Executive Committee and Term of Office
The club shall have an Executive Committee consisting of four (4) Officers; the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum of ten (10) Directors. All officers of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a two (2) year fiscal term at even year Annual General Meeting. At least three (3) new directors should be on and off the committee every two (2) years. All other members shall not represent the same office for longer than four (4) consecutive years. The Past President shall be, in addition, ex officio member.
A quorum at a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be eight (8), other than ex officio member. Only executive members (officers and directors) are entitled to vote at Executive committees.
Article 12 – Duties of the Executive Committee
The powers and duties of the Executive Committee shall include the general direction, supervision and management of the club’s business. Each executive member shall undertake responsibilities for a specific aspect of club operations.
Article 13 – Duties of the President
The President shall be chief executive member of the club and shall preside at all meetings of the club and the Executive Committee. The President with the consent of the Executive Committee shall fill any vacancy occurring on the Executive Committee until next Annual General Meeting and shall appoint a certified accountant on a yearly basis to prepare a financial statement. The President shall appoint chairpersons of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Article 14 – Duties of the Vice-President
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform all duties and shall exercise the powers incumbent to that position.
Article 15 – Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall keep records of all executive meetings and keep minutes of the same. When necessary, the secretary shall conduct correspondence for Annual General Meetings and for Special General Meetings
Article 16 – Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all club funds and deposit them in a chartered bank in the name of the club. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the club. The Treasurer shall have authority to operate a petty cash account in an amount established yearly by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall have authority, along with the President or the Vice-President to sign for all disbursements/cheques. The Treasurer shall ensure that a financial statement is prepared for presentation by the President at the Annual General Meeting.
Article 17 – Nominations for members of the Executive Committee
At least three (3) months prior to the Annual General Meeting the Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee. This Committee will consist of three (3) members of whom at least one shall be from the current Executive. The Committee shall submit a list of proposed candidates who have signified their willingness to stand for election. Members will have the privilege in presenting nominees from the floor as long as the nominee is a member in good standing. If required, there shall be an election by secret ballot.
Protocol for election by secret ballot:
- A stamped ballot and a pre-addressed return envelope to the attention of the Secretary shall be sent to each member in good standing at least ten (10) days before the Annual General Meeting. It shall contain the names of all the nominees for each available position. When there is more than one nominee for a position, the nominees will be presented in alphabetical order.
- The sealed ballots may be cast by mail or in person, up to the time of the official opening of the Annual General Meeting.
- Only original ballots identified by a stamp of the Beaconsfield Garden Club will be accepted.
- At the General Annual Meeting, the three (3) Nominating Committee members shall open the ballots, count and submit to the President the results of the ballot.
- The President shall announce the results to the members.
Article 18 – Alterations in Constitution
Addenda, deletions or amendments to this constitution may be made at Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings called for that purpose. No change may become effective without the required quorum and without the vote of 60% of members in good standing present at the meeting.